Why Consign With Us?

We assist in the sale of your property by providing a secure, neutral platform in which buyers and sellers worldwide may establish contact. Please complete the online form with item details. After review and evaluation, if we feel we could be successful in selling your item, our staff will get in touch with you. If we are unable to assist you, please visit our referral site at: yourartconcierge.com

Please Note: Estimates are not provided through this process. If you are seeking an estimate for your item, please contact AppraiseYourArt.com.

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Please describe your item an as much detail as possible. Please include information such as:
(height, length, width)
If 'Yes' Please add date below.
(documentation, history, receipts, etc.)
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Please upload your images. There is a limit of 5. Keep files sizes below 4mb or you will receive a Error.
